UTN has a system to check if a person is a member or not. This system uses the unions new member system (MELOS).
The member check can be found at utn.se/medlemskoll
This database (and thus this information) is soon-to-be depricated. The DK is not actively working on Melos, member-check updates will be postponed until Upright is phased in.
The member check is also available as an api and can be used from a website, app etc.
To use the api, send a POST request to https://utn.se/member_check_api/
In the POST request you must send a JSON object with key/value pair: ssn/‘personnummer_of_the_person’ and the content type must be set to “application/json”. The social security number can be either 10 or 12 digits. A dash (-) is optional.
The response will always have the form of a JSON string. The http status code will also be set accordingly. The various responses are described below
Http Status Code: 200
Response: {is_member: true|false}
Internal server error
Http Status Code: 500
Response: Empty
Bad request
Http Status Code: 400
Response: {error: "Personnummer: A message describing the error"}